Analysis of fast eye movements in Virtual Reality

eyeTrax - The system

The eyeTrax system was developed for the examination and analysis of oculomotor function (eye movements and pupil function). Using high-performance eye tracking cameras - integrated into virtual reality glasses - the eye movements are precisely detected and evaluated with the help of the eyeTrax* software. The results document possible deficits of the oculomotor functions, which are also of great importance in professional sports.

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The oculomotor function is tested using a 3D simulation that triggers visual stimuli in a targeted and reproducible manner. The high-performance eye tracking cameras detect eye movements and pupil reactions when tracking and searching for moving objects and light stimuli by detecting and tracking the pupil in the video image using computer vision algorithms. In contrast to screen-based systems, 3D simulation also measures accommodation performance (convergence and divergence).

eyeTrax combines a series of advanced algorithms and evaluates the results for both eyes separately. Different measurements can be compared intraindividually. The reproducible and objectifiable data allow conclusions to be drawn about the cognitive function of the brain.

Research - Studies on mild traumatic brain injuries

At present, there is no objective examination method to confirm the diagnosis for a concussion (mild craniocerebral trauma). It is based on the patient's subjective and motivational statements and on the physician's assessment after asking for symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dizziness or headache. Nevertheless, these are only indirect and not always indications of brain damage.

eyeTrax enables a functional analysis of various functions of the eye. With the help of eye-tracking and virtual reality technology.

In cooperation with clinically active scientists and sports physicians, neuro-ophthalmological parameters are recorded and help the user to gather comprehensive information about possible limitations.

The specificity of these parameters is also of great importance for the optimal control of a healing process and thus for the decision on professional reintegration

Sports - Use in sport

Even before the injury of national soccer player Christoph Kramer in the final of the 2014 World Cup, mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) have also been the focus of sports medical discussion in popular and top-class sport. In professional sports, game situations are only perceived within seconds if the oculomotor system is intact. A mild traumatic brain injury can lead to deficits in the oculomotor functions, which reduces the ability to react and influence spatial perception. These skills play an important role in assessing game situations and in duel behaviour, among other things. Possible deficits also significantly increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

A reliable and objective assessment of these cognitive abilities immediately after a head injury is therefore of great importance - for the health of the athletes and for deciding whether the player can continue to perform at full capacity or should be replaced strategically. Up to now, the team physicians have made subjective decisions based on experience. Especially light craniocerebral traumas are often not recognized or minimized and therefore not optimally treated. Those affected may be reintegrated into the training and competition process (return-to-play) too quickly (or unnecessarily late).

Digital Health Award - eyeTrax has won the 2nd place in the Novartis Digital Health Award

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eyeTrax has won the 2nd place in the Novartis Digital Health Award, endowed with EUR 15,000. The whole eyeTrax team would like to thank Novartis Pharma and Sandoz Deutschland/Hexal for a great evening in Berlin and this high award!

eyeTrax Team

The eyeTrax team consists of an interdisciplinary team of experienced specialists.

Björn Fuhrmann

Managing Director and founder of eyeTrax. Gathered his digital experience in projects and management functions at E-Plus, Arcor, Vodafone, PSI AG, BASE, Atos and many other companies.

Sebastian Weidner

Managing Director and founder of eyeTrax. Gained extensive experience in project organization - among others in the organizing committee of the FIFA World Cup 2006, at Borussia Dortmund as well as at Red Bull Mediahouse.

Olaf Gerlach

Founder of eyeTrax. Conceived and developed big data analysis systems for Arcor, Vodafone, PSI AG and Deutsche Bahn and led various international research collaborative projects focusing on distributed mobile systems.

Dr. Matthias Temmen

Founder of eyeTrax. He holds a doctorate in physics and has many years of international research experience in the field of three-dimensional spectroscopy and microscopy. He leads the software and hardware development of eyeTrax and designs the algorithms for data evaluation and recording.

Media - Reporting about eyeTrax

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*eyeTrax is based on scientific knowledge and is scientifically controlled. However, eyeTrax is not a medical service, nor does it make a medical diagnosis. eyeTrax is a tool for oculomotor performance measurement, which is intended to support interested doctors, therapists, nurses, athletes, opticians, optometrists, neuropsychologists and many other scientists.

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